
Due to the recent sale of our building, our current location will close on May 1, 2024.

As we look for a new space, please join us in May for a “Meet Up” schedule at various locations throughout Richwood!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

- Margaret Meade

Richwood Lake Park

4 Lynn St, Richwood, OH 43344

Meet at the pavilion next to the playground.

Weather cancellations will be posted on social media 1 hour before class.

Richwood Library Meeting Room

4 E Ottawa St, Richwood, OH 43344

The entrance to the Library Meeting Room is located off Franklin Street, at the back of the library. Parking in front of meeting room, or along Ottawa St.

Richwood Fairgrounds Bokescreek Pavilion

1 Gill St., Richwood, OH 43344

Pavilion is right at the front entrance off Gill St. There is also a 2nd entrance to the fairgrounds off Race Street.

Weather cancellations will be posted on social media 1 hour before class.